Friday, October 03, 2008

Wouldn't have had it any other way.

Wouldn't have had it any other way.

Horror stories, healing inconveniences and pounding heart aside, I had my belly pierced on an extremely calculated whim today. Lanxi and I were supposed to get it done together last year, but the piercer wouldn't let me as I was about to head off to India (read: unsanitary). So almost a year later, we're back in the same room, but this time with Lanxi looking on instead.

I'm squeamish about open wounds and blood, but I think I'm handling the slight bleeding and cleaning process pretty well. No regrets!

Had a short sms chat with Charmain when I was out, and the girl wrote a really touching entry about me on her blog. Click here to check it out, the one dated 2 October 2008. Glad to have inspired you babe, just don't become a travel-holic like me, not very healthy! Haha.

There seems to be an unplanned Mexican theme for my birthday this year. I ushered in my birthday over margaritas at Cafe Iguana's last night (photos later), and the surprise restaurant for my birthday date today turned out to be El Patio in Holland Village. It's been too long since I ate such yummy fajitas. After, we headed over to 2 a.m. Dessert Bar for some canoodling over wine and gourmet chocolate tarts.

Meet Grosse TĂȘte, aka Fat Head. Along with a French language kit, B gave me the bear to replace my lost Racky. And after too long ("Baby, I'll buy you a train ticket to the airport instead. It's more romantic no?" @*!#!%@), I finally got the flowers I'd wanted. Haha.

And at dinner, J called to share the joy of his promotion. We were just speaking about it this very morning, and I couldn't be happier for him. Congratulations J, next is to sign up for swimming lessons!

It has been quite the eventful day indeed! Even if nothing else exciting happens for the next 364 days, at least I can remember my 22nd year as the one where I pierced my belly! Haha.

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