Saturday, August 25, 2007


feeling: blessed

Despite the sore throat and the nuisance of a germy swollen eye, I have no complaints about my week so far. The recent turn of events has made me realise just how fortunate I am to have the people around me - the surprising support, the concern, and the occasional chocolate fix.

Jinli for Tuesday-chocs-to-chase-the-blues, for waiting just so I could cut into the crazily long 179 queue, for lugging a bottle of sore throat mixture to school with a plastic spoon to boot, and for tolerating my 101 inane comments/questions/wardrobe dilemmas.

Ceci for being immensely supportive of my new direction and genuinely happy for me, an excellent yoga buddy cum chick flick mate, and for her untiring answers to my wardrobe dilemmas.

Daphne for enthusing me about that new direction, cupcake recipes (even if it is because she wants to eat them!), weird conversations involving Oreo and Snuffles/Racky, and untiring answers to my wardrobe dilemmas.

-I'm sensing a pattern here-

Charlene for wanting to skip lunch to accompany me to the clicnic, and for eating so many of my cookies! Heh heh.

HM for accompanying me at the clinic, the chocolates, delaying his squash game while I had lunch, and gallantly applying ointment onto my eyeball.

And many more for the laughs and smiles.

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