Thursday, January 04, 2007

Freeze, snap, bam.

Freeze, snap, bam.
feeling: sleepy

Bitch: Do you know they sell aloe vera in the markets?
Me: Yep
Bitch: Seen one? The real thing.
Me: Yep
Bitch: How come?
Me: My aunt bought, the last time my hand itched. And when I was sunburnt.
Bitch: Have you eaten aloe vera?
Me: Raw?
Bitch: My mom cooked it.
Me: Why cook when you can eat it raw? Got taste?
Bitch (giving me a weird look): Why would you want to eat raw aloe vera?
Me: It's a fruit/veg what. Don't need to cook. Cook already tastier?
Bitch: No
Me: Then eat raw la.
Bitch: Raw???? It's like asking you to eat your sunblock!!
Me: So you like to eat cooked sunblock?


That was swimming/lunch with my bitch. Rushed home to catch 5 Takes: USA before zipping down to Cityhall for dinner with the girls. I was bloody amused at their reactions when they found out that New York New York had a machine dispensing free candy floss. Their instant ecstasy was scary.

Went to check out the new Donut Factory over at Raffles City and we ended up queueing, get this, one and a half hours for the donuts. My my my.

I need sleep. A day of culture awaits me tomorrow.

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