Monday, March 27, 2006



Some time through our msn convo, after a long pause.

Jane: Sorry was plastered to the telly.
Me: Scotch tape or double sided?
Jane: Super glue la.. hahaha you like very lame today hor?
Me: You know what I am imagining?
Me: You are GLUED to the tv set, going COCKEYED trying to see the screen and frantically trying to UNGLUE yourself.

-conversation goes on. contents undisclosed-
After yet another long pause...

Jane: Watching Scrubs now.
Me: You need to unglue yourself from the telly.
Me: You should get XXX brand superglue-ungluer. Only $99999999, worth every dollar!
Jane: I don't think so, I think I am happy being cross eyed.


I've missed such nonsensical chit-chats. I can't remember when and why I deprived myself of them to be honest. And I miss the rubbish-spewing me.

Anyway, if the hilarious snippet up there isn't clue enough, tonight's a rare msn night where I am actually TALKING to people. Apart from the FOS (full of shit) chat with Jane, there's also quite a bit of catching up with people I've neglected or simply failed to keep in touch with. Time and procrastination is one lethal combination. At times like these, I feel like I'm the worst friend in the world but also the luckiest for still being loved unconditionally.

It's funny. The people you least expect to feel close to are the ones you end up having mind-bogglingly good conversations with. And conversations with people whom you were hoping to pick up where you left off are surprisingly cold and distant. What a night.

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