Saturday, December 10, 2005

Why you should never attempt to blog while eating an orange.

Why you should never attempt to blog while eating an orange.
Spinning: Bic Runga - Sway / Lifehouse - Breathing
Feeling: Unglam.

"It makes so tired, I feel so uninspired. My head is battling with my heart, logic has been torn apart, and now it all turns sour, come sweeten every afternoon. Say you'll stay, don't come and go like you do. Sway my way, yeah I need to know all about you."

It's a messy messy sight. My auntie's just thrown me a buncha napkins, as if to prove my point, haha! I'm alternating between bites of orange and hammering on my keyboard with the juice dribbling down my chin. KIDDING! The dribbling bit was way exaggerated, lol.

A sudden cramp in my right calf had me jumping out of bed at six in the morning, screaming bloody murder. Did laps with Kenrick a couple of hours ago, and I would say we're a pretty good match! He's lanky and can thus cover more distance with a stroke, so that motivated to kick a little harder and move a little faster through the water, despite my twitching calf.

"Ooooh the water is cold. I. can't. feel. my. butt."
"Ahh.. ahhh... ahh..." (almost like the beginning of Leaving On a Jetplane)

How's that for injecting a little amusement to a lazy Saturday morning? That was Kenrick and I, prior to jumping into the pool. The lift at his block was down (he stays on the 24th storey, haha), so he came over to hang for awhile, and even persuaded me to complete the Calculus tutorial I had swore at before the swim.

I've been meaning to do my Edu Trip Reflection Paper since forever. I've got one and half paragraphs to date, but my gut tells me I'll be deleting the whole chunk of junk once I get my mind down to writing it right. I'd initially planned to complete it before heading down to town (my over-optimistic genes at work again), but I figured I'd better close the open word document before writer's block makes me destroy my computer. Now that would be bad.
And it's not like I expected Marc to call.. they're done with the soccer match. 4-2, I'm impressed, and proud of them.

Will be heading downtown to meet the gang in slightly under an hour. I've got to pick up a house-warming present for tonight, as well as a birthday present for my aunt. Now maybe I'd be able to do the winding down at cafe thing I'd wanted yesterday, and I'll have the rowdy guys for company instead. :)

I saw an extremely pretty, albeit useless, calendar at Borders yesterday. Snapshots of Greece. I channelled the money into getting myself a travel journal instead, so I would say that was money better spent. I can't wait for this sem to be over. I need a getaway. Pronto! Off to the showers... wardrobe crisis.

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